This Treatment is on Special Price until 28/02/2025!
Fractional Laser for Acne Scars, Brown Spots & Anti-Ageing at 89€
Treatment Time | 30 minutes |
Duration of Result | 6 - 12 months |
Pain Level | Absolutely Tolerable |
Anaesthesia | Topical Anaesthetic Cream |
Treatment Cost | From 100€ |
Result is Visible | In 1 week |
Recovery Time | 2 - 5 days |
This is the most advanced type of Resurfacing Laser, capable of reconstructing the skin and restoring its lost radiance and firmness. Its comparative advantage over previous techniques is that it can simultaneously act on two levels, both superficially, in the outer layer of the skin, and in its deeper layers, causing an increase in collagen and elastin production.
As a result, there is an improvement in the colour and texture of the skin at the surface level, but also, there is an improvement in the scars and marks of the skin in deeper layers.
The action of Fractional Laser is quite interesting. When the Laser is activated, the rays are divided into several microbeams, which by falling on the epidermis, cause controlled sublimation of the epidermis cells and at the same time thermal injury to the cells, deeper in the dermis.
In fact, hundreds of controlled, vertical microinjuries are made with the laser beams (MZT - Microthermal Treatment Zones) and that way, the skin's natural healing mechanism is stimulated (when it is injured), causing intensive production of fresh collagen and elastin.
We would say that the mechanism of action of the Fractional Laser is very similar to the other resurfacing treatment, the Dermapen. The main difference between them is that in Dermapen treatment the vertical microinjuries to the skin are made by the titanium microneedles of the Dermapen headpiece, while in Fractional Laser, the microinjuries to the skin are made by the microbeams of the Laser.
Wherever we mention Fractional Laser, we mean the patented, original medical microneedling device and not cheap imitations. The average session price of the original device starts at 100 euros
As you already know, in life you get what you pay for and this should make you concerned about people who claim that they offer Fractional treatments at very low costs.
We recommend that you pay attention and check if they have the original Fractional device, before you book any treatments with them, so that you don't pay double and triple later to Doctors, to fix their complications.
Fractional Laser can be successfully applied to the following areas:
Before any other action, it is important to have a medical evaluation with our specially trained Doctors, who carefully assess the condition of your skin. At this step, a personalised medical treatment protocol will be selected, based on the needs of your skin and the depth of your treatment will be determined. Also you will be informed about the number of sessions required and the combination of complementary treatments that could be applied at the same time with the Fractional Laser for maximum effect.
The preparation for the Fractional Laser begins with thorough cleansing of the skin and antisepsis. Then, on clean skin, an anaesthetic cream is applied, so that any discomfort is reduced to a minimum level and the treatment will be completely tolerable. After 20 minutes, the area is ready for the Laser, the anaesthetic cream is removed, the skin is cleaned again and the protective glasses are placed on the patient's eyes.
The intensity of the Laser is being adjusted by the Doctor, depending on your skin type and the purpose of the treatment. Once all the necessary settings are made, the skin scanning begins. It is possible to feel a slight burning sensation at the time of Laser application, but at an absolutely tolerable level.
After the treatment is completed, special moisturising and regenerative creams are applied, in order to eliminate the mild irritation, which is caused by the Laser. The session ends with the instructions that will be given in detail by the Doctors of our Clinics, so that you get the maximum possible results.
It would be best not to consume alcohol 24 hours before your treatment.
Before your treatment, the area of your face should be clean and without make-up.
If you have a history of cold sores, you should inform our medical staff, as Fractional Laser on the face can trigger it.
Frequent hydration of the area where the Fractional Laser was performed is very important and necessary for faster healing. For this reason, you should moisturise your skin daily, at least four times a day, for a week.
Also, the use of regenerative cream is essential, for the best possible reconstruction of the skin.
Protection from the sun is equally important and necessary. Especially on the face, but also on any other sun-exposed area where you had Fractional Laser, we recommend applying sun protection cream, after your moisturiser for 1 week.
We also advise you to avoid prolonged sun exposure (sunbathing / solarium) for at least 2 - 3 weeks after your treatment.
It is recommended to avoid make-up and the application of cosmetic products to the area for at least 24 - 48 hours after the treatment.
You should wash your face with a mild cleansing soap from the very first day, after the treatment, being careful not to rub your skin too much. Avoid any sponges and facial cleansing devices and tap dry your skin gently with a clean towel.
It is also very important to use clean sheets, pillowcases and towels after the treatment, as those already used may cause some contamination, due to the existing germs.
Until your skin is fully healed and the redness is completely gone, you should avoid cosmetic products containing Retinol and Acids and any kind of Peeling or Scrub.
Avoid drinking alcohol, doing vigorous exercise and having saunas for two to three days after your treatment, as they increase blood flow to the face and prolong redness.
The Total Plasma Lift protocol refers to the combination of two treatments, the Autologous Mesotherapy Vampire Lift and the Fractional Laser. This protocol begins with the application of Fractional Laser, which acts on the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating the fibroblasts for faster production of collagen and elastin.
Immediately after the Fractional Laser, the Autologous Mesotherapy Vampire Lift follows, with microinjections all over the face, which contribute to the deep hydration of the skin and its faster healing and rejuvenation from within, due to blood growth factors. The total duration of the treatment does not exceed 40 minutes and the most important thing is that it offers the results of a mini-lift, without pain, surgery and long recovery time.
Fractional Laser | Βotox | Hyaluronic Filler | |
Application Goal | Regeneration, Tightening, Wrinkle Improvement, Whitening | Reduction of expression wrinkles | Wrinkle Reduction, Skin Tightening, Volume Increase |
Duration of operation | 15-30 minutes | 10-20 min | 15-30 minutes |
Duration of effect | 6-18 months | 4-6 months | 8-18 months |
Total Treatments | 2-4 | 1 | 1 |
Recovery Time | Immediate | Immediate | Immediate |
Frequency of application | once/year | 1-3 times/year | once/year |
Fractional Laser | |
Application Goal | Regeneration, Tightening, Wrinkle Improvement, Whitening |
Duration of operation | 15-30 minutes |
Duration of effect | 6-18 months |
Total Treatments | 2-4 |
Recovery Time | Immediate |
Frequency of application | once/year |
Βotox | |
Application Goal | Reduction of expression wrinkles |
Duration of operation | 10-20 minutes |
Duration of effect | 4-6 months |
Total Treatments | 1 |
Recovery Time | Immediate |
Frequency of application | 1-3 times/year |
Hyaluronic Filler | |
Application Goal | Wrinkle Reduction, Skin Tightening, Volume Increase |
Duration of operation | 15-30 minutes |
Duration of effect | 8-18 months |
Total Treatments | 1 |
Recovery Time | Immediate |
Frequency of application | once/year |
The main reason is that in Derm & Plastic Surgery Clinics, we have the original medical Fractional Laser device. Elsewhere you will find cheap non-authentic imitations that have nothing to do with the safety and effectiveness of the original Fractional Laser.
The second and equally important reason for all of you, that safety is an important factor, to choose where your treatments will be done, is that in Derm & Plastic Surgery Clinics,
medical treatments are applied daily, exclusively by the qualified Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons of our Clinics and not by paramedical staff, as happens in other places. Fractional Laser is a medical procedure and is treated as such by us.
Meet the Derm & Plastic Way of Luxury Life –As our main principle regarding the Fractional Laser is that its not only a medical treatment, but also a premium aesthetic treatment that should take place in luxurious rooms, with state-of-the-art medical devices and most importantly in a safe area, ensuring the quality of the services provided to you. It is important for us, our clients to feel good and be treated in beautiful and luxurious places and not to have rejuvenation treatments in tiny cabins, without ventilation and with dubious hygiene conditions and regular checks of the quality of the services provided.
Truth: No, unfortunately this is not the case and you should be very careful where you go for your treatment. Many places, even medical practices, have cheap imitations of Fractional Lasers and not the original device. Anything that emits red light is not necessarily a Laser. It is common for people to come to our Clinics with acne scars or stretch marks and tell us that they had 8 to 10 sessions with "fractional laser" in other places, without results and because of this bad experience, they acquired a general disbelief for the therapeutic benefits of Fractional Laser. But in reality, they never had a Fractional Laser, but an imitation of it.
Truth: This is a myth, as Fractional Laser is one of the treatments for acne, especially when combined with acne peels and acne Dermalux phototherapy. Also, needless to say, Fractional is an amazing treatment for both acne scar prevention and treatment of the scars.
Truth: One session is enough to notice all the beneficial effects that this Laser can offer. However, every person is unique and so is their skin and thus the reason why people choose Fractional Laser is different for each one. For example, someone who is just looking for rejuvenation and glow in the skin, will be more than happy with the results of just one session. On the contrary, someone else with acne scars will need at least 6-8 treatments to get the desired result.
Truth: No, this is not true. The technology of this Laser is such that it causes targeted thermal vertical microinjuries, which are invisible to the naked eye, aiming to create new healthy tissue. It does not damage the skin, nor does it cause a burn. On the contrary, it rejuvenates and regenerates it, stimulating the intensive production of new collagen.
Truth: In our Clinics, the instruction for sun protection after Fractional Laser is the most important one. Special emphasis is given on sun protection in the first 10-14 days, but the recently exfoliated skin must be protected with sunscreen for at least a month after exfoliation, to avoid brown spots and sun damage on the new skin that comes out.
Fractional Laser treatment is completely safe. And this is because Fractional Laser technology has been used in the field of medicine for more than 40 years and has evolved to the point that it is now more precise than ever. There is no need to say that it should be done in a medical environment, where strict rules of sterilisation and hygiene are followed, with FDA approved devices and most importantly by Doctors.
The session with Fractional Laser is relatively painless, as it is preceded by the use of local anaesthetic cream in the treatment area, making the procedure very well tolerated by everyone. This is also the great advantage of the original device, as the treatment is personalised and the device is adjusted with micron - millimetres precision, in terms of the depth that the laser beam will reach the skin. On the contrary, in imitation devices there is only one intensity that is applied to everyone, which is not only painful, but also dangerous for thermal burns.
By activating the fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin, the action of Fractional Laser does not stop at the end of the session. We can say that at that specific moment it begins, but the results continue to improve, as collagen is produced in the treatment area for the next 6 months. However, the difference is visible from the very first session, as the area where the Fractional Laser was applied is rejuvenated and looks shiny, smoother and firmer. The duration of Fractional Laser results is usually from 6 – 12 months.
Fractional Laser technology approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), does not involve the risk of side effects and is a highly safe and award-winning treatment. The prerequisite for that is that it should be done in a medical environment, with approved FDA devices and only by Doctors. Unfortunately there are cases of people with thermal burns, from supposed to be "Fractional Lasers" in the hands of unqualified people, who are not even Doctors, but beauticians in beauty salons. These thermal burns require a very long recovery time and multiple treatments to recover the skin to its former state, if it can be recovered.
There is no difference, as Fraxel is a Fractional Laser! Fraxel is the Brand Name of SoltaMedical's Fractional Laser. It is the name of a specific model of Fractional Laser of a Company.
The answer to this question is negative. The Fractional Laser can be applied to both lighter and darker skin phototypes, as it does not affect the melanin of the skin in any way.
The answer to this question varies, depending on the reason for the treatment. For example, someone who is just looking for rejuvenation and glow in the skin, will be more than happy with the results of just one session. On the contrary, someone else with acne scars will need at least 6-8 treatments to get the desired result.
The answer is "yes" but with precautions. As a general rule and for your own safety, it is recommended to avoid makeup and the application of cosmetic products to the area for at least 24 - 48 hours after the treatment. Because this is approximately the healing time required for the microinjuries, created by the laser scanning on the skin. If it is absolutely necessary to cover the redness, even in the first two days after the treatment, you can use a special oil-free medical make-up.
It would be ideal to avoid any make-up for the next 48 hours after your Fractional (as this is the required healing time for the microinjuries created during application). It is also advisable to use oil-free products, in combination with the frequent use of moisturising, regenerating and sunblock creams and to follow the instructions that our medical staff has given to you, at the end of the treatment. Antiageing creams with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and peptides can be started again from the 7th-8th day, when the exfoliation is complete. In any case, you must avoid irritating creams, e.g. with fruit acids and retinol for 10-15 days, after your treatment.
Depending on skin thickness and the intensity at which the Laser was applied, the peeling of the skin, which is reasonable to be observed after laser resurfacing treatments, varies from person to person, but generally lasts from 3 to 7 days.
Your skin after the treatment will be red and you will have a "sandpaper" texture from the microholes of the Laser for a few days. As the skin regenerates, frequent use of moisturiser and regenerating cream is recommended, as well as sunscreen when exposed to the sun. This “burned” skin is a normal result of the treatment and will begin to peel 3 – 5 days after the treatment, as if you had a chemical peel. That’s why Laser Skin Resurfacing is also often mentioned as Laser Peeling. This peeling will continue for a few more days, depending on the intensity with which the Laser was applied, giving the way to a shiny and healthier skin that will come out from underneath.
For even better results the Fractional Laser can be combined with:
If you have a question about this treatment that is not answered in the text above, please send your question to the Doctor. Don't send questions about treatment costs and prices, as these are only formulated after the medical consultation, either in person at our Clinics or by Online Consultation.
Book an appointment and come to one of our Clinics or if you don't have time or live far away, request a video call consultation first and then come directly for your treatment.