Δερματολογια – Πλαστικη Χειρουργικη

Cat Eyes Lift -
Foxy Eyes Lift

Cat Eyes Lift with Threads

Get the most impressive eye look!

The “Cat Eyes Lift – Foxy Eyes” treatment gives you exactly what its name promises, an upward and attractive “upper eyelids and brows” look, in a non-invasive way, which resembles the eyes of cats and foxes. One session is enough to eliminate sagging in the eye area and give your face a youthful appearance.
Treatment Time30-45 min
Duration of Result12-18 months
Pain LevelPainless
AnaesthesiaTopical Anaesthetic Cream
Treatment CostFrom 200€
Result is VisibleWithin 1 month
Recovery TimeNone

Before and After Photos of Cat Eyes Lift

Our Results Speak for Themselves!
Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Πριν Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Μετά
Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Πριν Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Μετά
Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Πριν Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Μετά
Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Πριν Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Μετά
Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Πριν Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Μετά
Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Πριν Cat Eyes Lift Φωτογραφία Μετά

Get Natural Uplifted Eyelids, without the use of Instagram Filters!

What are Cat Eyes or Foxy Eyes?

“Cat Eyes” or “Foxy Eyes” do exactly what their name promises, an upward lift of the corner of the eyes, making the eyes more slit, but also an upward lift of the corner of the eyebrows.

This treatment is particularly popular nowadays and many women are asking for it because of young Instagram influencers who want to look like supermodels Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner. It is also a choice of older women who are looking for an affordable option to treat hooded eyes.

Τι είναι το Cat Eyes Lift
Πως Γίνεται το Cat Eyes Lift

How is Cat Eyes or Foxy Eyes done?

The treatment of "Cat" or "Foxy Eyes" is done with three methods, with Facial Threads, with Brow Lift Botox and with Plasma Pen or for even better results with combination of all these three.

Get Bella Hadid's Cat Eye Lift in 20 minutes!

The threads offer collagenogenesis, from the very first day of their placement, but also gradually during their biodegradation, in the following months. Threads are in fact a "foreign body" that enters the skin and this is enough for the body to activate mechanisms that stimulate the healing processes, for the production of collagen and elastin.

This helps to tighten the skin and maintain the upward shape, where the threads were placed. The more threads we place, the better result we will have.

Cat Eyes Lift with Threads
Cat Eyes Lift με Botox
Brow Lift Botox is the lifting of the eyebrow with Botox, which automatically gives an opening to the eyes, due to relaxation of the periocular muscles. It is the cheapest of all other Cat Eye treatments and is really a quick and easy treatment, with reliable and repeatable results, that you can do even on your lunch break. Its result is visible in 1 week and lasts for 4-5 months, while it gives excellent results, if combined with the other two methods for Cat Eyes Lift – Foxy Eyes Lift.

Plasma Pen - Plasma Soft Surgery is another technique, with which we achieve correction of the corner of the eye and correction of the corner of the eyebrow, without surgery and with excellent results. The Plasma Pen works by ionizing the air particles, between the headpiece and the skin, to form the plasma, which in turn causes the skin to sublimate.

Therefore, the results are instant, with immediate skin’s contraction, which activates the processes of skin injury and "awakening" the fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin, thus contributing to the tightening and lifting of the skin, in the places where the treatment was applied.

Cat Eyes Lift με Plexr

Cat Eyes Lift - Foxy Eyes Lift on Men

The "Cat Eyes Lift" or "Foxy Eyes Lift" treatment with Threads , also applies on men in our clinics, , in order to combat bloodlessly and without surgery the eyes with "hood" and sagging in the upper eyelid. For the placement of the threads, extremely thin needles or special atraumatic cannulas are used, which carry the thread inside them. The more threads someone puts, the better the final result will be and the stronger the tissue support and collagenogenesis.

Advantages of Cat Eyes Lift

No Pain


No Pain

Visible Result

No Pain

Erase of
Eye Wrinkles

No Pain

Safe Bioabsorbable

No Pain


No Pain

Immediate Return
to Daily Activities

No Pain

of Skin

No Pain

Uplifting of

No Pain

Visible Results

No Pain


No Pain


No Pain

Recovery Time

Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes Price - Cost

Choose the best, not the cheapest!
Cat Eyes Lift Τιμή Κόστος

The cost of Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes is determined by the type of threads you choose to have and the number of threads you put in. In our Clinics the Cat Eye Lift with Threads starts from 200 euros and all our medical protocols are at affordable prices.

Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes Step by Step

Cat Eyes Lift Βήματα
Step 1

Medical History - Skin Assessment

First, a clinical examination of your face and eyebrows is done with our Doctors and you will discuss with them your expectations and needs from the treatment. The Doctors will inform you, about the type and number of threads you will need and where they will be applied. At this step, the benefits of other combination treatments, for eyelid lifting and tightening, will also be discussed.
Step 2

Skin Preparation & Marking

After cleansing and disinfecting the skin, the Doctor marks the entry points of the threads and applies local anaesthesia, so that the procedure is completely painless.

Cat Eyes Lift Marking
Εφαρμογή Cat Eyes Lift
Step 3

Threads Procedure

After a while, the treatment begins and depending on the extent of the area, where the threads will be applied, will last from 20 to 45 minutes. Extremely fine needles or special atraumatic cannulas are used, which carry the threads inside them. By inserting the needle or cannula into the skin and then removing it, the internal thread is left in the place, which was predetermined by the Doctor, to achieve a lift. When the Doctor pulls the threads, it is likely to feel a gentle pull, but nothing uncomfortable. When the desired lift is achieved, the excess of each thread is cut and the procedure is completed.

Step 4

Instructions after the Body Threads

At this step, you are given detailed instructions by the Doctor and the number of threads and their placement areas are recorded in your medical file. If PDO threads have been used in your treatment, no immediate difference will be visible on your face, as with PDO threads the first improvement starts to be visible in one month. On the contrary, if GOG threads have been used, then a first result will already be visible, immediately after your treatment. We say a first result, as in the near future the threads will show daily improvement, as long as they biodegrade and collagenogenesis is achieved at the same time.

Cat Eyes Lift Βήμα 4

What you need to know about the Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes

Οδηγίες Πριν το Cat Eye Lift

Instructions before Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes

Although it is a non-invasive treatment, there are a few things you should know before your appointment:


For preparing your skin, it would be good to come 30 minutes before your appointment, in order to apply local anaesthetic cream to the treated area.


In addition, your skin should be clean and if possible you should come to your appointment with no makeup.


Before the treatment, it is advisable to avoid taking aspirin, anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory medications one week before your treatment.


Also avoid taking vitamins and multivitamin preparations, for at least one week before the treatment, as these are substances that increase the bleeding tendency and consequently the risk of bruising.


Also, avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before having your treatment.

Instructions after Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes


Once the treatment is complete, a special antibiotic cream will be applied to the entry points to prevent any infection.


You may experience swelling or bruising in the application area and in this case, we recommend using a special arnica cream on a daily basis for 7-10 days, as well as, using ice cold packs.


Also, it is good to avoid wearing make-up for the first 1-2 days, until the skin and specifically the threads’ entry points are healed.


It is recommended to avoid intense physical exercise and intense facial massage, for at least a week, in order not to damage the suspension of the threads in case GOG threads have been used.


Also, if there is any facial aesthetic treatment in your upcoming schedule (facial cleansing or other aesthetic treatments accompanied by therapeutic massage), it is advisable to wait 1-2 weeks, so as not to put pressure on the areas where the threads were applied.


For the first few days, try to sleep on your back rather than on your side to avoid putting pressure on the treatment areas.

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Cat Eyes Lift with Threads - Before and After

Cat Eyes Lift is one of the Signature treatments of Derm & Plastic Surgery Clinic. It is a non-surgical treatment that uses threads to lift the corner of the eyebrow upwards and helps open up the eye.

Myths & Truths About Cat-Eyes Lift

Myth: The Threads will be visible under my skin

Truth: As we mentioned above, when the threads are placed by certified Doctors, this means that they are placed at the correct anatomical depth under the skin and are not visible at all. Of course, the experience and technique of the Doctor plays a decisive role, as well as the use of approved medical quality threads. Unfortunately, we have come across cases, with irreversible damage from threads, which were done by non-doctors and for this reason we advise you to be very careful, to whom you will trust your face.

Myth: Body Threads may suddenly move or break after the treatment

Truth: It depends on the type of threads. With PDO threads this never happens, as the PDO threads stay exactly where they were placed by the Doctor, until they are naturally absorbed by the body over a period of 6 -12 months. On the other hand, with COG threads, what can happen is that they gradually lose the degree of support they initially had, when they first were placed. 

This can happen for three reasons: either because of thread strain or poor thread integration or poor thread quality. The strain is mostly related to how much one takes care of his face after application. Thus, people who exercise very intensively and exert pressure on the facial muscles, mechanically strain the threads more and that means that these can more easily move or even break. 

Poor integration has to do with the way the threads are placed, the quality of the facial collagen and the choice of threads in general. It is very important to make a correct choice of good and quality threads, as well as a careful selection of the people that will benefit from the use of threads.

Myth: The Cat Eye Lift with threads has the same effectiveness as the surgical Cat Eye Lift

Truth: In no case! Threads or otherwise non-surgical lifting, are simply an alternative treatment for those who are afraid of the surgical lifting. In fact, the thread's effect lasts only 1 - 1.5 years, while in the surgical cat eye lift it lasts 10 - 15 years. The threads are only suitable for mild or moderate degrees of eyelid laxity, while the surgical lift for all degrees of skin laxity and under no circumstances can their use replace the effectiveness, but also the duration of the results of the surgical cat eye lift.

Myth: The effect will be exaggerated and I will have a weird looking eyebrow

Truth: Truth: Of course not, as the result you will get with threads is completely controllable. You will be able to see it first of all, when it is done by the Doctor and you can directly comment on it. Moreover, our aesthetic approach in Derm & Plastic Surgery Clinics, is that we always create natural results, which bring improvement and harmony to the faces, without disfiguring them.

Frequently Asked Questions for Cat Eyes Lift

One of the most frequent questions is whether this treatment is painful. No, it does not hurt at all, as a local anaesthetic is applied a short time before the treatment is applied.
The results of Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes Lifting with Threads last approximately 12 - 18 months on average, depending on the type of thread used and the degree of skin relaxation. They are absorbed over a period of a few months, but their action continues afterwards with the collagenogenesis, which they gradually stimulate during their biodegradation. Threads are in fact a "foreign body" that enters the skin and this is enough for the body to activate factors that stimulate the skin's healing processes and the production of collagen and elastin.
Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes Lifting with threads is performed in just 1 session, which lasts approximately 30 - 45 minutes. The treatment is carried out under local anesthesia at the Clinic and you can return to your activities the same day.
One of the most common reasons for choosing the Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes Lift over the Surgical Lift is that it cannot be easily noticed and it has no downtime. The threads applied by an experienced Doctor are not noticeable at all, as they are placed at the correct anatomical depth.

Threads, provided that are done by qualified Doctors, have no significant side effects, except perhaps of swelling and bruising. An important principle of success is the right choice of Doctor, as this is a purely medical procedure. The mistakes that can lead to failure of threads for this procedure are the poor quality of materials, their poor application (since if they are not placed at the right depth, the correct support of the skin will not be achieved), the small number of threads used and finally the high expectations from the patient.

The application of Cat Eyes - Foxy Eyes threads cannot take place in the following cases:

  • Blood Diseases (eg Thrombophilia)
  • Receiving Anticoagulation Therapy
  • Any active skin condition in the area 
  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Unregulated Diabetes
Derm Plastic Surgeon Clinic
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